Saturday, December 20, 2008

Shot Rotation Macro

Shot Rotation MacroShot rotation for BM hunters are not that hard nowadays. Spam the heck out of Steady Shot and, once your mob's health goes down to 20%, Kill Shot him.

This will change soon due to the changes on the next patch. Arcane Shot will have its importance increased and Steady Shot will have its importance decreased. Blizzard is trying to give us a bit more of complexity which we, in particular, welcome - we believe all classes should be more than just using a couple of spells, shots or whatever.

Until then, we'd like to show you the macro we're using right now, for our "Shot Rotation" (AKA Steady Shot spam):

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast Kill Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast Steady Shot

This macro tries to shoot Kill Shot first. If it can't (due to the mob being over 20% of his health, for example, it simply shoots Steady Shot. Easy, reliable, effective.

We're still doing some trials (and we need to get into the PTR for some testing) with a new macro that will include Serpent Sting and Arcane Shot for 3.0.8. We'll let you guys know once we nail it.


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