Monday, January 12, 2009

We Capped the Hit Rating

It took us a while but we finally managed to cap our Hit Rating. We did pass it a bit (5 points) so some tweaking may be in order.

What's that? What is Hit Rating?

Well, Hit Rating is what makes you HIT (thus, not miss - duh) your attacks. You can carry some amazingly heavy Attack Power but that won't be worth a thing if your shots don't HIT your target. What good is it to you if you pack some amazing 2500 DPS if your shots are NOT landing on your target? Bye-bye 2500 DPS. Hello frustration. To increase your ability to hit your target - of course, you should try to make all your shot count you need to increase your Hit Rating. Seems obvious, right?

So what is the Hit Rating cap for hunters? It depends.

There are a few factors that will influence the ability you have of hitting your target (like Weapon Skill) so we'll assume you have capped your gun/bow skill - which is 400.

For a player not to miss a level 83 boss - which is the hardest mob you will find in the game at the moment, you'll need a Hit Rating of 9% or 295HR. BUT you may need less, depending on your talents. If you place 3 talent points on Focused Aim you will gain 3% just like that! So you only need 6% more HR, which is 197 (actually 196.74) points.

And that's what we did! We placed 3 talent points on Focused Aim and got some nice HR gems. We also traded our Whale-Stick Harpoon with a couple of Savage Cobalt Slicers, had the nice blacksmith who offered us the swords slap a Titanium Weapon Chain in one of them so we're all set.


  1. A couple of things to know about this...

    1) Focused Aim does not transfer to your pet, so it will still miss a bit.

    2) Empirical evidence is that no one is missing with only 8% hit. We really don't know why. It may be a bug that will be fixed later. Or not.

    3) Evidence apparently also suggests that pets need 9% to not miss.

    Thosaquinas of Absent Element on Eitrigg

  2. Hit rating in pets has been fixed.. melee and ranged hit penalty is 8% for both so with focused aim you only need a measly 5% for both hunter and pet to hit.

    only real thing to note is that hit transfers to pets in intergas so if you have 4.9% hit% on hunter, your pet will only recieve 4%
