Saturday, January 3, 2009

We Has the Nesingwary 4000

We are overwhelmed by our guildie's generosity, again. Bregel was kind enough to take what we had gathered and purchased from the AH and made us the Nesingwary 4000! We didn't have half the stuff and still he gave us the gun. On top of that, for only a couple of Twilight Opal he made us a Heartseeker Scope. Again, for free, no charge on the other mats.

We slapped it onto the gun, socketed a Rigid Autumn's Glow and we're ready to blow mobs away on even tinier little pieces!


  1. Grats on the new gear :)

  2. Grats on the new shiny!
    I sometimes think I ought to get one myself, but ugh! I hate guns. My troll has a racial bonus to bows, too, which makes it even harder to switch. Hoping that the crossbow drops in heroic UK soon.

  3. The Drake-Mounted Crossbow? It is quite a nice crossbow yes. With our luck on drops we'd probably never get it, though. Also, we like the possibility of placing a gem at our heart's content :)

    Good luck on your hunt for that xbow. It is quite an amazing piece.
