Friday, March 13, 2009

The New Spirit Beast

We have seen it before but our friend Chaaron was kind enough to send us her own pic of it.

Hello My Friend!

Have you seen Gondria the new Sabertooth Spirit Beast? He is currently prowling on the PTR server and I hope he goes live so I can add him to my stable!

It's all a matter of taste, but we'll stick with old good Loque'nahak. We think it's waaaaaaaaaay cooler.

Thanks for the pic and the heads up, Chaaron.


  1. You're welcome and I agree with you - while it is fun trying to find this new creature on the PTR, Loque is way cooler and will remain my favorite pet.

  2. That screenie hardly does him justice. He's way cooler in person or in a video. (glowy trail effect is waaay cool)
    I think I may have actually preferred it if he was a CAT and not a spirit beast. More of a Ghost Sabre 2.0.
    Ah well, I do think good ol' Loque is better still. I'll nab whichever I can first and if it's the new guy, I'll keep him until I find Loque. :)

  3. Thanks for the Update for PTR, but one question, if u tame a beast that is on the PTR and not in the actual game itself when the beast becomes live will u have to retame in on the actual game or does it just appear in ur stable let's say if u put it in their????

  4. I believe you will have to retame on the actual game itself. I do not believe items such as loot, gold or pets will transfer from PTR to actual game.
    It's a great idea though! I'd love to have this little beauty transfer from PTR to actual game without having to camp and tame him again.

  5. You can not bring anything from the PTR. The PTR are separated realms and once tests are done, they disappear. Your characters on the regular servers remain the same as you leave them while you play on the said regular servers.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. that's one cool cool kitty :-)

    Also, on a account of you being awesome.. SpiritBeastWithin has been selected for the Honest Scrap Award!

    Sure, there’s no trophy, buy you get to gloat a bit, so that’s always a plus. Link:

