Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stay Focused!!!

You remember this post, right? Well I didn't write it too long ago (I wrote it a couple of days ago, actually), so your memory is still fresh.

On that post I talk about my macros for focusing a target (the Lead DPS on my make-believe instance run) and assisting it (targeting the same mob as he, thus concentrating firepower on the poor guy - or undead, or beast or whatever you want to nuke).

Well I started thinking I could make it a bit better. The ones I posted required you to use 2 buttons: one for setting your focus and one for assisting him/her. So I researched a bit and came out with a macro that allows you to use 1 button only, thus saving action bar space:

/focus [modifier: shift] target
/assist [nomodifier] focus

What does this do? Well if you click the action bar button while you press "shift" it will set your current target as your focus. If you hit it without any modifier key (shift/control/alt) it will assist your focus. Nifty heh?

Now I know we can make it a bit better by actually checking if we have a unit/player/character set as our focus and only assist if so. But I really don't feel like doing some research right now. Maybe I'll come back to this on a later post.


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