Friday, December 12, 2008

Tanks love Wasps!

I did my first 2 instances from Northrend a couple of days ago (yeah I know, 76 and didn't had entered a single instance until now - shame on me and my tight schedule). I wanted to try something new so I went to Sholazar Basin and grabbed a nice Sapphire Hive Wasp. I wasn't a huge fan of wasps since the ones in Zangarmarsh were a bit weird. But now you can find some REALLY cool ones at Nothrend (like the one I caught).

The wasps' special is the sting and the ones from Sholazar come with rank 5 which is quite nice. Now the damage is not that much of a biggie (only 30-40 nature damage) but the cool thing about it is that it reduces the target's armor by 610 for 20 seconds. With a cooldown of 6 seconds (or less with the proper talents - mine's cooldown is 4 seconds since I'm the cool type of hunter (BeastMaster). But even with a 6 seconds cooldown, you can have the armor reduction on your mob the whole time. How cool is that?

Now the OTHER cool thing about the wasp is its size. That thing is HUGE. BIG. ENORMOUS. It's... BIG and HUGE and.... Well you got the picture. You can see on the screenie above how big that thing is compared to yours truly. And that's why tanks love it!

They are HUGE, they are hovering above the ground and they get on top of mobs like crazy! Your tank won't see anything else BUT your pet! Annoying? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. They LOVE IT! Or not... But they do. Trust me!


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