Monday, April 20, 2009

Guide: How to Make Gold #10 - SAVE YOUR GOLD

We can’t stress this enough: save your gold. Don’t buy unnecessary stuff just because you feel like it. Hold back on your spending frenzy and keep your hands out of your pocket. If you are one of those people who thinks money will burn your virtual pockets, create a bank character and send most of your gold to him. Having little gold on your main character might actually prevent you from going into a shopping-spree!

Yes this last tip is not a "real" tip. But it's probably the most valuable one. You can't save what you spend, right? So, don't spend it!

I hope you guys enjoyed these tips. Let us know if they helped you somehow! Write us at nadva dot hunter at gmail dot com.


  1. Yup! I was such a spend thrift. I made a bank alt, and limited my characters to a 30g budget (for raids and whatnot) and tossed the rest into the bank. Later, I found myself amazed with all the money I accrued by not holding in and spending!


  2. Well, its not exactly making gold... but it does prove a good point. I used to buy allot of aweful items only to find that they were a waste of my gold. Its a tip that most people often forget! Also, if you guys are looking for some more gold guides for wow I suggest taking a look at All the best!
